

As you are a part of the Vance Thompson Vision team, the below information will assist you in learning more about who we are, what we believe in, and our best practices.


New Employee Orientation

You are our newest visionaries! Before you jump into the weeds and start learning your new role, there is some training in store for you! On your first day (or shortly thereafter), you will have the opportunity to meet with our People and Culture team to review important information about our benefits and learn about some of the platforms we use on a daily basis.

As a way to introduce you into the VTV way of life, you will also have the opportunity to be a part of our patient experience training, “Secret Service,” where you will learn what you need to know to provide the best possible experience for our patients! Lastly, to help you learn more about our different departments and roles at Vance Thompson Vision, you will also have the opportunity to participate in VTV exchanges within your location.

Starting a new position can be overwhelming, but rest assured that you will have the support and resources you need to feel confident and be successful. Our hope is that you feel empowered and inspired as you start this new adventure with us!


Team members in these states should reference the relevant addenda for state-specific policies.

Minnesota Montana Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota

Weekly Huddle

A way for all to remain connected! Our Weekly Huddle aims to keep everyone up to date with happenings around the organization. Every Monday morning, we spend 30 minutes together at 7:30am. The goal of our weekly huddle, commonly referred to as our “Holy Huddle,” is to ensure our team has a sense of belonging and connectivity, while also sharing experiences, good laughs, introductions of new hires, and celebrations with our work family! Huddle topics are centered around our culture, education, and personal development. Monday’s are the best day of the week at Vance Thompson Vision, as we are able to reflect on our accomplishments, and ensure everyone is ready to go into the work week inspired to be Best on Earth.

Secret Service

As a way to provide a Best on Earth experience, employees are empowered to surprise and delight our patients, fellow employees and/or vendors by spending up to $100 per day. Employees are able to submit for reimbursement for acts of Secret Service by submitting the expense through the reimbursement process in our online employee system of record within the calendar year the expense is incurred.

The Three Legged Stool

Vance Thompson Vision knows that vision is important, and is something that people fear losing the most. Our why is to deliver on the trust that patients place in us for a positive outcome. To ensure the best patient experience, our Three Legged Stool allows us to deliver the best outcomes every day. The concepts are the secret sauce that makes us different from other organizations.

Doing the Right Thing

Throughout our day to day work, our team members are encouraged to always do the right thing by putting our team and patients first, no matter what. While this may take extra time and effort, this allows us to be better than yesterday.

Investing in the Best Technology

Vance Thompson Vision invests in the most advanced technology to provide our patients with the best results possible. The technology is tailored to fit the needs and goals of each patient, and our ongoing research pushes the boundaries of eye care.

Provide a People Experience that is Second to None

The little things make a big difference for our team, patients, vendors and guests. Vance Thompson Vision’s team first mentality is felt by everyone that enters our locations because of the investment we make in our most important asset, YOU! Care is put into the details of each encounter made to ensure everyone feels valued and cared for throughout their experience.

Employment At Will

Employment with Vance Thompson Vision is at-will, which might sound scary, but it just means that your employment is not for any specific time period and you have the freedom to leave your employment with Vance Thompson Vision at any time, for any reason, and likewise, Vance Thompson Vision has this same freedom to end an employment relationship at any time, with or without cause. No doctor, leader, or other representative of Vance Thompson Vision has the power to modify this policy, except in writing. This policy supersedes any other statements or representations made by Vance Thompson Vision or any of its employees.

Immigration Law Compliance

Vance Thompson Vision is committed to complying with all applicable immigration laws and regulations, and recognizes the importance of maintaining a lawful and compliant workforce, so all employees should fully cooperate with our efforts to comply with these laws. As an employer, Vance Thompson Vision requires all employees to provide valid and accurate documentation of their identity and employment eligibility. Our organization participates in the government’s E-Verify program, which allows us to confirm employment eligibility of all new hires. If your employment eligibility status changes, notify your leader or the People and Culture team in a timely manner. Vance Thompson Vision does not tolerate the employment of individuals who are not authorized to work in the United States, and all employees will need to complete the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) I-9 form to validate employment eligibility within their first three working days.

Harassment-Free Work Environment

Vance Thompson Vision is committed to providing a professional work environment that is free from unlawful harassment. Our organization does not tolerate harassment based on an individual’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, or sexual orientation), national origin, age, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic under applicable federal, state, or local law. Harassment consists of conduct that is offensive and unreasonably interferes with an employee’s job performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment on the basis of or relating to one of the protected characteristics outlined above. Sexual harassment is a type of harassment defined as any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (a) submission to the conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an employee’s employment, (b) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an employee is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the employee, or (c) the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the employee’s job performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Vance Thompson Vision’s prohibition on harassment applies to all harassment, whether written, verbal, or in any other form, and it protects employees from harassment by leaders, co-workers, or third parties employees come into contact with during the course of their employment. Further, it applies not only in the workplace during normal business hours, but also to any work‐related setting outside of the workplace, including business trips, meetings, and business‐related social events. Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to discipline, which may include employee separation.

If any employee believes that he or she has been subjected to harassment or witnessed harassment in the workplace, the employee should immediately report the matter to the employee’s leader or the People and Culture team. All reports of harassment are taken seriously, and will be investigated thoroughly and within a timely manner. Actions taken to investigate and resolve concerns will be conducted confidentially to the extent practicable and appropriate, but complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Further, Vance Thompson Vision does not tolerate any form of retaliation or discrimination against an employee who raises concerns regarding harassment in good faith, even if the investigation produces insufficient evidence to support it. If an employee believes that he or she has been retaliated against, the employee should report it in the same manner outlined above.

Disruptive Conduct and Behavior in the Workplace

Vance Thompson Vision believes that all employees deserve to work in a positive and respectful work environment that is free of disruptive and dangerous behavior. Examples of disruptive and dangerous behavior may include, but are not limited to:

  • Threatening or intimidating behavior

  • Use of abusive language

  • Intentionally damaging company property and/or equipment

  • Engaging in disruptive or distracting behavior that interferes with work performance of self or others


To provide a safe and respectful environment for all employees and visitors, Vance Thompson Vision will not tolerate any form of bullying, whether it is physical, verbal and/or psychological. Bullying behavior can create a hostile work environment and affect the overall morale and productivity of employees. Examples of bullying may include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical abuse, or threatening abuse

  • Verbal abuse (yelling, name-calling, insults, belittling, gossiping, etc.)

  • Intimidation, humiliation and/or manipulation

  • Cyberbullying

  • Clique Mobbing

Employees who engage in disruptive conduct or behavior or bullying in the workplace may be subject to discipline, including employee separation.

Violence in the Workplace

At Vance Thompson Vision, our priority is to create a positive and safe work environment for all employees, patients and visitors. While we love having fun, violence or threatening behavior in the workplace is not tolerated. Examples include, but are not limited to physical altercations, threats to harm others, or damaging property. Employees should refrain from bringing any weapons or violent objects to the facility, which includes the parking lot. If you see anything that raises concern, please notify your leader immediately. Safety is taken seriously, and Vance Thompson Vision will take prompt action against anyone engaging in threatening or violent behavior, which could include disciplinary action, employment separation or legal action if deemed appropriate.

Emergency and Public Safety

Vance Thompson Vision is committed to ensuring the safety of our employees, patients, and their families. All employees should help in preventing accidents by familiarizing yourself with emergency procedures for your location and/or department, and know where emergency exits are located throughout your location. If you notice any unsafe conditions, whether it’s wet/slippery floors, walkway blockages or defective equipment, notify your leader immediately. If you notice any potential security threats or suspicious activity of employees or patients/visitors, please let your leader know immediately. Lastly, refrain from discussing computer security systems, alarms, passwords or any other security-specific information with non-employees.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Vance Thompson Vision expects all employees to strictly adhere to the requirements of the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The purpose of HIPAA is to ensure that our patient’s health information is protected from inadvertent or inappropriate use and disclosure. This means that employees are prohibited from sharing who our patients are, what services they are seeking with us, or any other patient protected health information unless authorized under HIPAA. Under federal regulations, health information can only be used or disclosed in certain circumstances, such as when it is necessary for treatment, payment, or health care operations purposes.

All employees are expected to complete training on HIPAA privacy and security policies on an annual basis within Vance Thompson Vision’s online training portal. By taking these intentional steps, our organization maintains the confidence and trust of our patients, and upholds the highest standards of privacy and security for patients’ health information to maintain Best on Earth standards.


Vance Thompson Vision respects the privacy of our employees, patients and business partners. As an employee, you may have access to confidential information which includes, but is not limited to, customer/patient information, financial information, trade secrets and other proprietary information of Vance Thompson Vision or its business partners. Confidential information should only be used for the purpose of performing your job duties and may not be used for any other purpose, including personal purposes. Confidential information should be handled and stored securely, whether it is in electronic or paper format. Employees are expected to handle and maintain confidential information in a manner that ensures its privacy and safety and to take reasonable steps to protect confidential information from disclosure, e.g., password protecting computers, only viewing confidential information on secure devices, storing/filing paperwork containing confidential information in a locked drawer, not discussing confidential information in open areas where discussions could be overheard, and so on. This information should not be discussed with family members, friends, or other individuals who do not have a legitimate business need to know the information. Only authorized Vance Thompson Vision officials may release privileged and/or confidential information.

Employees may not reproduce or distribute confidential information in any form and may not remove any copy or sample of confidential information from the Vance Thompson Vision premises unless authorized by the employee’s leader. Upon separation from Vance Thompson Vision, employees must return all confidential information the employee possesses in any form, including all copies of such information. Employees who are unsure about the confidential nature of specific information should ask their leader or the People and Culture team. Employees should immediately notify their leader or the People and Culture team if they become aware of any possible unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information. Employees who violate this confidentiality section will be subject to discipline, up to and including employment separation, along with any other remedies that may apply.

Employment Status

All employees of Vance Thompson Vision are classified as either full-time, part-time, or PRN (as needed). These classifications do not guarantee employment for any specific period of time or any particular schedule, and Vance Thompson Vision can reclassify or re-designate any employee’s job classification, status, or job position or description at any time.

Full-time employees are those who are hired to work a regular schedule of at least 30 hours per week. Full-time employees are eligible for all employee benefits offered by Vance Thompson Vision.

Part-time employees are those who are hired to work at least 20 hours per week, but less than 29 hours per week. Part-time employees receive PTO accruals, and are eligible for the employer 401(k) match and wellness benefits.

PRN employees are those who work on an “as needed” basis, depending on Vance Thompson Vision’s need for specific staff. PRN employees typically don’t have a schedule of working hours, and work on an unscheduled basis. PRN employees are eligible for the employer 401(k) match and wellness benefits.

Position Classification

All positions at Vance Thompson Vision are considered either non-exempt or exempt, based on the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). If you have a question about your employment status, please contact your leader and/or People and Culture for clarification.

Employees that are in a non-exempt position are eligible for overtime pay after working 40 hours in a work week. Overtime pay is calculated at 1.5 times the regular hourly rate of pay. Employees wishing to work overtime should seek approval from their leader.

Exempt employees are exempt from overtime pay under state and federal wage and hour law. Exempt employees are paid a salary and are expected to work beyond their normal work hours whenever necessary to accomplish the work of the company.

Work-Related Injuries and/or Exposures

Our top priority is the health and safety of our employees. Accidents can happen, so if you are injured at work, receive prompt and appropriate medical care. A workers compensation program in place to provide you with the resources you need to recover and return to work. Report your injury to your leader and/or the People and Culture team, who will also provide you with the necessary paperwork to submit for your injury.

If you are exposed to blood, bodily fluids, or any infectious diseases, please notify your leader immediately.

Returning to Work After Being Sick

Vance Thompson Vision understands the importance of maintaining a healthy work environment for employees and patients. If you have been absent from work due to illness, return to work when you are no longer contagious and recovered. Please know that depending on the type of illness, you may need to provide documentation from your healthcare provider that states you are able to return to work.


Clinical employees that are involved in clinic or surgical patient care will wear black scrub tops and bottoms. Black jackets are optional, and undershirts can be worn, as long as they are either a solid black or gray color. Black logo wear jackets can be worn as long as it’s seen as professional and in good appearance/condition. Full-time clinic new hires will receive a one-time $500 scrub allowance upon hire, then $250 every year after. Part-time clinic new hires will receive a one-time $250 scrub allowance upon hire, then $125 every year after. Scrub expenses should be submitted for reimbursement via the expense reimbursement process in our online employee system of record.

Non-clinical employees will wear business casual apparel, which includes dress pants, skirts of appropriate length, dresses, dress capris, blouses, sweaters, dress shirts, etc. Vance Thompson Vision logo wear can be worn as long as it’s seen as professional and in good appearance/condition. Excluded items include jeans, suggestive attire, hats, neon colors and jeggings. Footwear should be professional, and should not include flip flops, rubber sandals, etc. Leadership will have discretion to address any concerns around attire worn at work and can send employees home unpaid to change into appropriate attire.

All employees (clinical or non-clinical) are eligible for a shoe allowance of up to $150 annually, and expenses should be submitted via the expense reimbursement process in our online employee system of record within the calendar year the expense is incurred.

Hair and Accessories

Hair should be clean, combed, and neatly trimmed or arranged. Sideburns, mustaches, and beards should be neatly trimmed. Hair colors are limited to naturally occurring colors (blonde, brown, black, and red). Vance Thompson Vision does not permit extremes in dyeing, bleaching, or coloring. If hair color is changed, it must be natural looking and well maintained. Artificial hair is permitted if it looks natural and meets the previously listed guidelines. While Vance Thompson Vision respects cultural and religious beliefs, non-distracting colors and patterns should be worn. Leaders have discretion over color/pattern of headbands and/or hair accessories.

Body Art (Tattoos/Piercings/Jewelry)

Jewelry worn by employees must be reasonable in size and shape, be appropriate to the work setting, and may not interfere with patient care, job performance, or patient/employee safety. Examples of allowable piercings include professional ear piercings and single nose studs.

Tattoos are acceptable, unless deemed inappropriate by organizational leaders and/or People and Culture. Examples of inappropriate include tattoos that display profanity, violence, crude images, or images or that may be seen as discriminatory against any protected class. Facial and neck tattoos are not acceptable in the workplace, and employees would be responsible for ensuring tattoos on the face and/or neck are concealed at all times. Leaders will have full discretion to address any concerns around body art displayed in the workplace and can ask employees to remove or conceal tattoos/piercings that don’t adhere to the policy.


Tobacco, Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace

To maintain a safe and healthy work environment for employees and patients, Vance Thompson Vision prohibits the use of tobacco products (including, but not limited to cigarettes, vaping, and chew), illegal drugs/substances, and alcohol on company property (including parking lots) during working hours. Employees should not use, sell, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol and controlled substances while working during normal business hours. Please note that if there is reasonable suspicion of drug and/or alcohol use while at work, employees may be subject to testing. The prohibition against the use, possession, purchase, transfer, and/or sale of alcohol may be waived by Vance Thompson Vision for social events sponsored by Vance Thompson Vision or other industry associations or business‐related groups.

Tips, Gratuities and Gifts

While Vance Thompson Vision adores the generosity and thoughtfulness of our patients, tips and/or gratuities offered to employees should be graciously declined. Non-monetary gifts offered by patients and/or their families may be accepted, but should not be solicited by Vance Thompson Vision employees. Gifts offered to employees by patients or vendors should be reasonable in value. If not seen as reasonable, gifts should be politely returned or declined. Any questions about the reasonableness of a gift or acceptance of a particular gift should be directed to the People and Culture team.


Vance Thompson Vision prohibits gambling activities in the workplace, unless they are company sponsored activities that everyone has the opportunity to participate in and that have been approved as compliant with applicable laws. Please note that employee monetary buy-in for company sponsored activities will be designated as a charitable contribution to different organizations throughout our communities.

Cell Phone Use and Personal Phone Calls

Vance Thompson Vision understands that you have things happening outside of work, and knows that using your cell phone may even be a part of your job. All employees should utilize their cell phones in a way that doesn’t interfere with patient care, your work responsibilities, or the work of your team members. Be mindful of the amount of time you are spending on your cell phone regarding non-work related items. Everyone plays a role in creating a workplace where everyone can focus and be productive. If you have any concerns with cell phone usage, please communicate with your leader. Please note that if cell phone usage becomes problematic, disciplinary action may result.

Be Respectful

Always be fair and courteous to fellow employees, patients, vendors, or individuals who work on behalf of Vance Thompson Vision. Employees should keep in mind that work‐related concerns are most likely to be resolved by speaking directly to their co‐workers to address misunderstandings or conflicts, or by raising concerns to their leader or the People and Culture team. Posting complaints to a social media outlet is less likely to resolve the conflicts or concerns.

However, if an employee decides to post complaints or criticism, he or she must avoid using statements, photographs, and video or audio that could reasonably be viewed as malicious, defamatory, obscene, threatening, or intimidating towards employees, patients, vendors, or individuals who work on behalf of Vance Thompson Vision, or that may constitute harassment or bullying. Examples of such conduct might include, but are not limited to, offensive posts meant to intentionally harm someone’s reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of any class protected by applicable law. Inappropriate postings such as discriminatory remarks, harassment, and threats of violence or similar inappropriate or unlawful conduct will not be tolerated and may subject employees to disciplinary action up to and including employment separation.

Vance Thompson Vision encourages professionalism and honesty in social media, as it requires in all business communications. If an employee discloses in social media his or her status as an employee of Vance Thompson Vision, the employee should include a disclaimer that his or her views do not represent those of Vance Thompson Vision. For example, employees should consider using language such as “the views in this post do not represent the views of Vance Thompson Vision.” Employees should use good judgment about the content of posts and remember that anything they say can reflect on Vance Thompson Vision even if they include a disclaimer. Employees should always strive to be accurate in every communication about Vance Thompson Vision and should keep in mind that their statements could have the potential to result in liability for themselves or Vance Thompson Vision.

Vance Thompson Vision Social Media

Vance Thompson Vision will designate employees authorized to represent Vance Thompson Vision on social media sites. Only authorized employees may represent Vance Thompson Vision on social media sites, which is the practice for all official company communications.

Conduct Not Prohibited

These guidelines and procedures are not intended to prevent or discourage employees from engaging in activities legally protected by state or federal law, including the National Labor Relations Act.


Vance Thompson Vision believes that a fun and productive workplace is essential to our success. To help maintain this environment, our non-solicitation guidelines are in place to avoid disrupting our business operations or our employees and patients/visitors. Avoid soliciting employees during their assigned work time where they are expected to be actively engaged with their assigned work. Examples of “solicitation” include but are not limited to: as asking someone for something, such as donations, money, and/or support, whether it’s done verbally, in writing, or electronically.

Media Inquiries and Interviews

Vance Thompson Vision employees may be contacted by the media to conduct an inquiry or an interview. Employees should notify their leaders of any such inquiry, and any response to these types of inquiries must be coordinated with Executive Directors at each family site.

Email, Internet, Voicemail, Computer & Other Electronic Equipment and Systems Use

Vance Thompson Vision makes equipment, electronic media, software, and other technological services and resources (“Systems”) available to its employees to conduct Vance Thompson Vision business. Vance Thompson Vision has established this section to maintain the security and confidentiality of its business information and Systems, to provide guidelines for employee use of these Systems, and to prevent misuse inconsistent with business purposes or by third parties. This section applies to the use of all Systems, including any Vance Thompson Vision-issued devices, and to all electronic communications and content accessed, created, stored, sent, or received (a) on or from Vance Thompson Vision’s premises; (b) using Vance Thompson Vision Systems, including all telephones, fax machines, mobile devices, or other technology; or (c) from any equipment used in a manner that identifies the individual with Vance Thompson Vision.

Vance Thompson Vision requires employees to use its Systems in a responsible manner. Employees are prohibited from using Systems for illegal purposes, and use of Systems should be limited to performing Vance Thompson Vision business. In no circumstances may personal use of Systems interfere with an employee’s job duties. Misuse of Vance Thompson Vision’s Systems may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including employment separation.

Information, documentation, and all other content created by utilizing Systems are the property of Vance Thompson Vision, regardless of whether such records are stored on Vance Thompson Vision devices, personal devices, or elsewhere. Upon separation from employment, all content will be retained by Vance Thompson Vision. Employees may not copy, transfer, or otherwise retain such information in any form. Employees have no reasonable expectation of privacy with regard to their use of Vance Thompson Vision Systems or in any documentation, information, or other content that is accessed, created, stored, sent, or received through such Systems. It is expected that electronic communications and content of all types and formats accessed, created, stored, sent, or received through Vance Thompson Vision’s Systems will be professional in nature.

Software and software applications, other than the standard office software, may not be installed on Vance Thompson Vision’s Systems without the approval of our technology support team. Employees are required to observe all copyright and license restrictions as a condition for installation and use of all software.

If applicable, non-exempt employees who have a business need to access Vance Thompson Vision Systems outside of their normal work hours/shift must obtain advance authorization from their leader or the People and Culture team. Non-exempt employees must keep track of any time spent engaged in such activities and include reports of such time. Non-exempt employees who use Systems to perform Vance Thompson Vision business outside of their normal work hours without advance approval will be subject to discipline.

Employees should not save or back‐up any files that contain information, communications, or content of any kind relating to the employee’s duties or the business of Vance Thompson Vision, to non‐Vance Thompson Vision equipment or to unauthorized cloud‐based services. Employees should not email such content to their home computers, personal accounts, or cloud‐based services. Employees who receive or learn about any suspicious content on the Vance Thompson Vision’s Systems should report it to their leader or the People and Culture team immediately.

To protect confidential business information of any kind, employees should immediately report any Vance Thompson Vision equipment that is lost or stolen, or any System that is suspected or known to have been accessed by unauthorized individuals or for which the security of the device is suspected or known to have been compromised in any other manner. Employees should promptly provide Vance Thompson Vision with access to any Systems and associated accounts used in connection with Vance Thompson’s business upon request.

The use of any Systems constitutes consent for Vance Thompson Vision to monitor, access, record, copy, disclose, inspect, review, retrieve, and to erase, disable, wipe, or destroy, whether physically or remotely, content, without notice. Vance Thompson Vision will not be responsible for loss, damage, or liability arising out of erasing any device. Electronic content created, sent, received, accessed, communicated, or stored by an employee on Systems may be monitored by Vance Thompson Vision to ensure compliance with laws, these procedures, and policies. Vance Thompson Vision may also store copies of content for a period of time after it is created and may delete such copies from time to time without notice.

Employees are strictly prohibited from using Systems in connection with any of the following activities:

  • Engaging in illegal, fraudulent, or malicious conduct;

  • Creating, sending, soliciting, or storing obscene, or defamatory material;

  • Bullying or harassing other individuals;

  • Hacking, breaching, or obtaining unauthorized access to any computer, network system, or accounts;

  • Using another employee’s individual account, identity, login credentials, or password, attempting to impersonate another individual, or sharing account credentials with others; and

  • Engaging in any conduct that violates any Company policies.

Social Media

Employees generally should refrain from using social media during work hours or on equipment provided by Vance Thompson Vision unless such use is work-related or authorized by the employee’s leader and is consistent with Vance Thompson Vision’s Email, Internet, Voicemail, Computer & Other Electronic Equipment and Systems Use Policy. Under no circumstances may personal use of social media interfere with job duties or performance.

Vance Thompson Vision recognizes that various forms of social media provide unique opportunities to participate in interactive discussions and share information on particular topics. Keep in mind, employee use of social media can pose risks to confidential and proprietary information of Vance Thompson Vision, its reputation, and brand; expose employees to discrimination and harassment claims; and jeopardize compliance with business requirements and laws.

To minimize these risks and to ensure that the resources and communications systems of Vance Thompson Vision are used appropriately, the following procedures, guidelines, and rules regarding use of social media have been established.

Compliance with Related Policies and Agreements

The same principles and guidelines found throughout this Culture Book and in Vance Thompson Vision’s Mission, Vision and Values apply to employee activities online. Ultimately, employees are responsible for what they post online. Before creating online content, employees should consider some of the potential risks and rewards. Any employee conduct that adversely affects that employee’s job performance, the performance of fellow employees, or otherwise adversely affects patients, people who work on behalf of Vance Thompson Vision, or legitimate business interests of Vance Thompson Vision, may result in disciplinary action, up to employment separation. When using social media, employees should be mindful of the following Vance Thompson Vision policies, procedures, practices, and plans, including but not limited to those regarding:

  • Protection of Confidential Information;

  • Unlawful harassment;

  • Unlawful discrimination against current employees or applicants for employment; or

  • Vance Thompson Vision Email, Internet, Voicemail, Computer & Other Electronic Equipment and Systems Use Policy

Respect Intellectual Property and Confidential Information

It bears repeating that the same principles and guidelines that apply to employees in the workplace and while conducting Vance Thompson Vision business are also applicable in social media settings. This includes restrictions on employee use and disclosure of confidential information, including, but not limited to, all information pertaining to patients of Vance Thompson Vision. Employees should treat confidential information and intellectual property in a manner that protects its security and should not jeopardize that security in the use of social media.

Likewise, when using social media, employees should take the same care as Vance Thompson Vision does in all business practices to avoid misappropriating or infringing on the intellectual property of other companies and individuals, which can create a liability for the employee individually and/or for Vance Thompson Vision.