
Billing Information

Comanagment, or collaborative care of a surgical patient

Our goal is to ensure you have the information needed to continue care when a patient is coming back to your office post-operatively. Important details will be provided via the “Release of Care” form. This document will be faxed to your office on the day the surgery is completed.

The Release of Care includes

  • Patient Name and Date of Birth

  • Surgery

  • Release of Care dates

  • Impression and Plan

  • Diagnoses

  • Treatment Plan

  • CPT Codes

  • ICD-10 Codes

  • Other discussion notes

  • Specialty Medications

If a patient elects to return to your office for their post-op visits, a 55 modifier should be on the co-managing doctor’s claim for postoperative care.

  • Example: Cataract Surgery (CPT 66984)
    • Co-managed claim = 66984-55RT or LT

Medical and Refractive Co-Management - Cataract

The Medical or Therapeutic Component: (outlined in the green box)

  • The first 90 days of postoperative care, known as the global period. Day one starts the first day after surgery. On what date will the 90 day global period end? Click HERE for a day to date calculator.

  • Visit charges during this time should be submitted to the patient's medical insurance.

  • These charges should be handled just like you would if you were billing postoperative care for standard cataract surgery.

The Refractive or Elective Component: (outlined in the yellow box)

  • Involves extended aftercare (days 91-180) which is an additional period of time, not covered by insurance, to monitor the results and manage the patient’s refractive outcomes.

  • Our office will schedule the patient an appointment with your office around the 100th day following surgery, which falls outside the first 90 day medical global period.

  • On June 1st, 2023, we began using CoFi to enhance the patient experience related to payments to Vance Thompson Vision and to the doctor they choose to perform their aftercare.

  • While CoFi facilitates direct payment to you when patients choose your office for aftercare - and we recommend the platform - you are not required to use CoFi to continue co-managing patients with Vance Thompson Vision. However, now that we have transitioned to CoFi, all aftercare payments are set by the doctor providing the care and collected via CoFi or by the office where care is provided.

  • Starting on April 1st, 2024 CareCredit now integrated with CoFi, which will further enhance the payment experience for our patients who utilize this financing option.

    • A few things to know:

      • When CareCredit payments are processed through CoFi, you will not have to collect your fees for post-op care separately.

      • Your practice does not need to sign up for CareCredit. If you are already accepting payments through CoFi, your patients can utilize their CareCredit account to pay their aftercare fees.

      • This system integration will allow us to pass along to you our best-in-nation CareCredit rates.

    • Next Steps:

      • If you are already enrolled with CoFi, you do not need to take any action if you wish to accept CareCredit payments for co-managed patients.

      • If you are not yet enrolled with CoFi, and you would like to learn more about getting enrolled, you can reach out to the CoFi on-boarding representatives John Chiantera at or Lori DiPaola at


Refractive Co-management - (LASIK, PRK, ICL, RLE)

  • Fee for Days 1-364 post-operative collected by CoFi or by the office where the care is provided.

Financing Options

Alphaeon Credit is a company that provides patients with a financing option for their LASIK or other elective procedures. Alphaeon features a Budget Pay Plan which sets a fixed monthly payments in addition to their Equal Pay Plan, and No Interest options. Alphaeon Credit has no up-front costs, no annual fees, and no pre-payment penalties.


CareCredit is a company that provides patients with credit for their LASIK or other elective procedures, offering short-term, 0% interest payment plans and low-interest, extended payment plans. CareCredit has no up-front costs, no fees and no pre-payment penalties.
