Mission Vision
Mission Vision
The core mission of the Vision Foundation is to improve access to world-class eyecare in the communities we serve. Together with Vance Thompson Vision and the ASCRS Foundation, we offer a program to help members of our communities gain access to life-changing eye surgeries through our Mission Vision program. Mission Vision is designed to help those without financial means to receive the care they desperately need. These surgeries and aftercare are made possible through volunteer efforts of the doctors and teams at Vance Thompson Vision, local optometry practices, resources at community health centers, and the generous support of industry sponsors.
How the Program Works:
Patients with a surgical need, but without financial means to pay for services, will be identified by a referring optometrist or healthcare provider. Surgeries eligible for help through Mission Vision include cornea, glaucoma, and cataract surgery.
The referring optometrist will refer the patient to the Vision Foundation using the provided referral form. Fax/email the referral to your local Vance Thompson Vision office.
The Vision Foundation qualifies patients based upon the financial needs guidelines established to the ASCRS guidelines.
Surgery will be performed at Vance Thompson Vision. Post-operative care can be done either at Vance Thompson Vision or the patient’s optometry office, as indicated on the initial referral form.
There may be financial assistance available to patients needing glasses postoperatively through grants from the local Lions Foundation.
Click the images below to view and download the materials to refer a patient to this program. Should you have any questions, please call us at 605-361-3937.